How Do I Choose the Best Reusable Straws in Canada?

best reusable drinking straws in Canada

The choice of straw depends on your drink and your preference. While I like to drink matcha Boba tea, my boyfriend is obsessed with dalgona coffee (I know it has been a year!). After 2015, we decided to reduce our carbon footprint and cut down on plastic in our life. Without realizing it, we had become so dependent on plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic straws. It was before the sustainability movement had caught on. 

While we struggled through the never-ending testing of the best reusable drinking straws Canada, we learned so much. Today, I want to tell you guys how to choose the best reusable glass drinking straws, based on our experiences:


A regular straw is around 9 to 9.5 mm in diameter but a smoothie or milkshake straw is about 12 mm in diameter. Boba straws are the thickest at 15 mm. The correct diameter is critical because you don’t want a straw that’s too thick, but some drinks won’t go up a hole that’s too skinny..

If you like to change your drinks depending on the time of the day, you might prefer to get a set of reusable glass drinking straws with different diameters.


Straws come in different lengths ranging from 6 to 11 inches. The ones available most commonly are 8 inches long. I would suggest you get 8 inches to fit a soda can or average size glass.  But if you have a favorite mug or a glass at home, measure its height and add 2 inches to it; that is how long your straw should be to make sure you are at the optimum distance from the top of your glass.

But that shouldn't stop you from getting an 8 or 10 inch reusable straw for bubble tea. It's all about your comfort and what you prefer. Don't let rules guide you; buy the length you feel the most comfortable with.

3.Bent or Straight

This one is all about preference. I like to have my drink filled up to the rim so that I don't have to get up for as long as possible. So, my eco-friendly glass straws are bent. But my boyfriend doesn't mind getting up for a fresh drink every once in a while, and loves looking at it while sipping it, so his reusable glass drinking straws are straight.


This is where it gets tricky. I'll tell you about how we went about choosing the best reusable straws, the pros, and cons, and you can decide for yourself!

1. Paper - We started with paper straws because they were beautiful and could be composted. But these straws started to disintegrate before we were finished our coffee. After trying paper straws a few times, we realized we had to look for an alternative.

2. Bamboo - We got bamboo straws after we got some bamboo bowls. We loved our bowl but the straws were a different story. They were difficult to clean and soon started to get stained. The best part about them was the fact that they were easy to compost and recycle.

3. Metal - We started using a metal regular and bubble tea straws that we bought online. They came in sets of 4, different lengths and thicknesses. They would get hot in a hot drink and cold in a cold drink. Moreover, we didn't like the feel of them against our teeth. Ours were dishwasher safe but after 3 months they started tasting like metal. Also, we were never sure about how clean they were from the inside.

4. Glass - So, without any hesitation, my winner of the best reusable straws would be the Reusable Eco Friendly Glass Straws. These are easy to clean and I always know how clean they are because I can see through them. I have been using them for over 4 years now and they go in the dishwasher without a scratch. They don’t get too hot or too cold in very hot and very cold drinks. I have dropped them multiple times but they haven’t broken. Additionally, they come with a lifetime warranty from GlassSipper. 

Their straws are handmade and come with a variety of cute animal designs. The straws are made in Vancouver, BC by a lovely lady using borosilica glass, which is stronger than regular glass that wine glasses are made from. I have also gifted them to many of my friends and family. 

They love them too. Make sure to give the GlassSipper website a visit!

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