Find the Best Reusable Drinking Straws in Canada!

Why did the government ban the use of plastic straws?

Since 2019, the United States has slowly banned the use of single-use plastic straws throughout the country. This decision was made because of the impact of these straws on the oceans and marine life. Straws make up to 4% of the plastic waste generated that currently floats in the ocean. Because of their small size, straws are impossible to recycle. Still, people in the US use around 500 million plastic straws every day. People in the North American continent use 1.6 straws/person daily on an average. This all contributes to the islands of plastic created by all or our plastic waste. Reports state that approximately 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles are found with plastic in their stomachs. If we continue to use single use plastics, there would be more plastic than fishes in the ocean by 2050. As a result, boycotting the use of plastic straws has become a small but important step towards turning this figure around.

But does this mean you need to stop using straws for enjoying your favorite drinks? Nope. There are many alternatives available in the market including reusable eco-friendly glass drinking straws. Even popular cafes like Starbucks suggest that if a customer needs a straw with their frosted espresso, they would have to bring their own. To solve such problems, we have introduced the best reusable drinking straws in Canada.

It has always been challenging to find best quality reusable straws. We tested reusable glass straws with espresso, water, smoothies, and many other beverages. There are so many options available in the market and we took one for the team and decided to try the most popular ones so you can make the best decision.

 How to find the best reusable straw?

Before finding the best reusable straws in Canada first, you need to identify the kind of drink you would like to use the reusable straw for. For example, if you simply drink smoothies or other thicker beverages, you will need a wide and sturdy straw. Likewise, you need to check if the straw works for both cold and hot refreshments. Reusable straws are available in a variety of materials, and each of them has its own advantages and drawbacks.

Silicone: A flexible material that can be easily folded and stored. This adaptability can make silicone straws a very portable product. These can turn out to be very flimsy and lose their shape easily. Silicone, though recyclable, tends wear out fast and cannot be used extensively.

Treated steel: Metal reusable straws are firm and cannot lose their shape easily. A couple of analysts found a metal lingering flavor with specific styles, particularly with a soda beverage. Metal bubble tea straws are trending around the world including Canada, promoting the use of reusable straws for bubble tea. But you can’t see if they are clean and they do leave a metal after taste.

Rigid plastic: One of the first economical alternatives to single use plastic for reusable straws. However, we’re trying to stay away from all plastic. Plus, these were not easy to clean and didn’t hold up well.

Bamboo: A plant-based option in contrast to plastic, silicone, steel, and glass. However, we found they gave off a woody aftertaste and were difficult to clean.

Glass: The reusable glass drinking straws are the best alternative to the plastic straws. They are simpler to keep clean than different materials. One disadvantage, they're more fragile compared to the other material options. But they can go in the dishwasher, and as long as they don’t drop on a hard surface, seem to last forever.  Since glass is 100% reusable, it’s an ideal choice for the eco-friendly glass straws.

We recommend reusable straws that are dishwasher-friendly for easy cleaning. If you don’t have a dishwasher, most can be cleaned with a dish cleanser and warm water, and they’re good to be used again. But we do prefer straws that we can see through so we know for sure they are clean.

Straws that you can buy:

GoSili Reusable Standard Straws 

The reusable silicone straws from GoSili are probably the best pick, if you tend to break glass easily. The silicone straws are easy to drink from. Everyone will be happy with these straws and will adore the portability. These straws are dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.

Yihong Reusable chrome steel Straws

The hardened steel straws from Yihong are an inexpensive option in the metal reusable straws market. The straws come with two cleaning brushes and a pocket sleeve included in the package. Some of our analysts noticed that they didn't feel the feel of the metal against their teeth.

SipWell chrome steel Drinking Straws

The Sipwell hardened steel drinking straws are the mainstream on Amazon. These straws come in a bunch of 4 with choices in various lengths. Analysts enjoyed using them but wished there was a carrying sleave included in the package.

Glass Sipper Reusable Glass Straws

The Glass Sipper reusable glass straws come in a variety of options. You can choose from a wide variety of designs to suit your drink or the table setting. They have reusable glass boba straw which is very unique. The analyst found these reusable glass drinking straws to be the best reusable straws in Canada. 


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