
Showing posts from March, 2021

How Do I Choose the Best Reusable Straws in Canada?

The choice of straw depends on your drink and your preference. While I like to drink matcha Boba tea, my boyfriend is obsessed with dalgona coffee (I know it has been a year!). After 2015, we decided to reduce our carbon footprint and cut down on plastic in our life. Without realizing it, we had become so dependent on plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic straws. It was before the sustainability movement had caught on.  While we struggled through the never-ending testing of the best reusable drinking straws Canada, we learned so much. Today, I want to tell you guys how to choose the best reusable glass drinking straws , based on our experiences: 1.Diameter A regular straw is around 9 to 9.5 mm in diameter but a smoothie or milkshake straw is about 12 mm in diameter. Boba straws are the thickest at 15 mm. The correct diameter is critical because you don’t want a straw that’s too thick, but some drinks won’t go up a hole that’s too skinny.. If you like to change your drinks depending on th

Find the Best Reusable Drinking Straws in Canada!

Why did the government ban the use of plastic straws? Since 2019, the United States has slowly banned the use of single-use plastic straws throughout the country. This decision was made because of the impact of these straws on the oceans and marine life. Straws make up to 4% of the plastic waste generated that currently floats in the ocean. Because of their small size, straws are impossible to recycle. Still, people in the US use around 500 million plastic straws every day. People in the North American continent use 1.6 straws/person daily on an average. This all contributes to the islands of plastic created by all or our plastic waste. Reports state that approximately 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles are found with plastic in their stomachs. If we continue to use single use plastics, there would be more plastic than fishes in the ocean by 2050. As a result, boycotting the use of plastic straws has become a small but important step towards turning this figure around. But does this me